Centennail Hall - London, Ontario



Centennial Hall
550 Wellington Street
London Ontario
N6A 3P9

519-672-1967 or 519-672-1968
Toll Free 1-888-999-8980 Fax 519-667-9613

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Box Office Hours

In Person and By Phone: Monday to Friday
10:00am - 5:00pm


*Open Extended Hours on Show Days* 


Parking at Centennial Hall can be found underground at City Hall with a staircase coming directly into our main lobby. There is also a large supervised parking lot operated by The Kiwanis Club of Forest City-London available for evening performances, with proceeds going to Kiwanis Children’s Charities.


Delta London Armouries
325 Dundas Street
London, Ontario
N6B 1T9
519-679-6111 or 1-888-890-3222

The Park Hotel London
242 Pall Mall Street
London, Ontario
N6A 5P6
519-642-4444 or 1-800-561-4574

Hilton Hotels
300 King Street
London, Ontario
N6B 1S2
519-439-1661 or 1-800-HILTON

Comfort Inn
1156 Wellington Road
London, Ontario
N6E 1M3
519-685-9300 or 1-800-553-9992

Best Western – Lamplighter Inn
591 Wellington Road
London, Ontario
N6C 4R3
519-681-7151 or 1-888-232-6747

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